Date: April 25, 2024 (Thursday) 14:00-16:30

Venue: D1005, Conference Room, School of Human Rights and Social Sciences, Second Academic Building, Wai Shuanghsi Campus

The Master of Human Rights program at Soochow University held its annual Graduate Student Thesis Presentation on April 25th. 

The public presentation not only promotes and supports the progress of graduate students' thesis, 

but also helps graduate students to get academic exchanges and discussions on related fields in the writing of these topics. 

The conference attracts a great deal of attention and participation from academics and outsiders, 

and leads to a very lively exchange of ideas that is very rewarding for all the presenters.


The thesis topics of the graduate students of the Master's Program in Human Rights covered a wide range of human rights areas, 

including the situation and challenges of the National Human Rights Commission, a preliminary study of the experiences of Falun Gong practitioners in China, 

a review of the effectiveness of the child and youth delegate system - the Central Child and Youth Delegation, 

and the possibilities of a corporate human rights legal system in Taiwan from the perspective of the E "SG" comparative law. -The core of this book is human rights exposé. 

Although the level of writing varies from one article to another, all of them are able to grasp the core of research and concern for human rights issues, 

fully demonstrating the diversity of the Master's Program in Human Rights.


At the same time, we have invited experts and scholars in related fields to comment on the articles, 

sharing their insights and providing important academic insights and reflections for the graduate students. 

We also opened up opportunities for comprehensive discussions and exchanges to explore in depth the content of their research, 

to promote mutual academic growth and to refine their thesis.


Finally, we would like to thank all the presenters, commentators, and participants for attending the conference, 

which demonstrated the academic level and research ability of the students of the Master's degree program in human rights, 

and I hope that it will be helpful to them in their future thesis research, 

and that they will graduate successfully and become important human rights professionals in Taiwan.


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