2023 Soochow Human Rights Week - Human Rights Issues under Emerging Technologies

With the rapid development and expansion of technologies, not only does it bring economic value or industrial innovation, but it also affects many changes in the life of the whole society and gradually builds a dangerous new world.

The infringement of the right to privacy, discrimination in algorithms, surveillance of power, and various new forms of digital crime are all important human rights issues under the emerging technology. 

 【Exploring the Business Practices and Human Rights Issues of Information Technology】

This lecture will explore the impact of emerging information technology on society, including the impact on privacy, machine discrimination, and the derivation of data governance and information warfare.

It is hoped that by putting emerging technologies back into the historical / social / cultural / economic context of human society to return to the focus, help & empower the public to clarify the fundamentals or form a sense of problem, and to increase the ability to examine and distinguish between the reality and reality of the technology hype.

Speaker: Dr. Rebecca.C.Fan|Research Fellow at the Research Institute for Democracy, Society and Emerging Technology, National Science and Technology Council,  Visiting Scholar at the Chang Fo-Chuan Center for Human Rights Studies.

Host:Ms. Hsin-Hsin Pan|Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Soochow University

Time: December 11, 2023 (Monday) 13:00-14:30pm

Place:D0813, Second Academic Building, Waishuanghsi Campus, Soochow University


Organizer: Human Rights Program, Chang Fo-Chuan Center for Human Rights Studies

Co-organizer: Department of Sociology, Soochow University


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