Undergraduate Program

Business Foundation Courses

Freshman Required (3-3)
This course of principles of economics covers the basic economic theories and relevant issues in the fields of microeconomics and macroeconomics. The topics discussed in the sequence of microeconomics include demand and supply, consumption theory, production cost, the structures of various markets, welfare and efficiency. On the other hand, the topics discussed in the sequence of macroeconomics include national income, general prices, unemployment, macroeconomic modeling, macroeconomic policies, money, financial intermediaries, and economic growth and so on.

Freshman Required (3-3)
The course content covers the basic process to prepare financial statements. This course aims to enable the practitioners to understand the financial information and to apply in the relevant decision making by making them be familiar with the process to prepare financial statements. This course is the fundamental course of the Business Program and is essential for pursuing further degrees and seeking employment in the related field in the future.

Freshman Required (2-2)
The objective of this course for students is to learn fundamental concepts and applications of calculus so that after taking this course, students can use theories from this course to solve mathematical problems in business.

Business Administration
Freshman Required (2-2)
The primary objective of this course is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of fundamental management concepts and principles. It aims to broaden their knowledge and learning domains while fostering a genuine interest in the study of management. Additionally, the course intends to establish a solid foundation for students to pursue further studies in various management-related fields.

Business Information Software Application
Freshman Required (0-3)
This course will help students be familiar with MS Office application software programs, especially the spreadsheet, Excel, using Excel to assist in resolving finance, accounting, statistics, economics and other related business problems. The course will introduce the functions of Excel, such as data entry, calculation, charting and mapping functions, as well as more in-depth exploration of VBA. Late in this course will introduce the Word and Power Point software in the business application.

Freshman Required (3-3)
This course provides the students the basic concepts about statistical inference, including the population and sample, parameter and statistic, descriptive and inferential statistic, probabilities and sampling distributions. Each student who took this course has a learning platform. He or she should maintain his or her platform, including the homeworks, notes and news which related to statistical practices. Next semester's course primarily focuses on estimation and hypothesis testing. It aims to train students in how to sample, survey, and analyze data effectively in addressing various research questions. The course will involve the use of statistical software or packages to ensure accurate application of statistical methods and proper interpretation of analytical results.

Core Courses

Sophomore Required (2-2)
This course outlines the major dimensions of the marketing processes, provides a set of conceptual and analytical tools that prepared students to successfully comprehend consumer value and design a customer value-driven strategy, and addresses the current issues on marketing.

International Business
Sophomore Required (0-3)
The objective of the course is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of international business and develop their abilities to analyze problems associated with it. Given that emerging markets have become crucial targets for international business, this class will pay more attention to the context of emerging markets and discuss how foreign firms can compete and succeed in these dynamic environments.

Theory Of International Trade
Junior Required (2-2)
This course aims to introduce students the basic theory of international trade. We will discuss the development in theories of trade and use them to analyze the pattern of trade for different markets. Also, students will learn the effects of trade policies in practice such as tariffs, import quotas and voluntary export restraints. After the course is finished, students shall be able to apply theoretical models, combined with algebra and simple calculations, to analyze various trade issues.

Money and Banking
Sophomore Required (2-2)
The aim of this course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the function of financial system, the operation of monetary policy and its impact on the macro economy. The emphasis is on how to use economic concepts to make sense of many complicated real world events happening around us.

International Operations
and Management

Strategic Management
Junior Selected (2-0)
The context of this course includes internal and external analysis, business-level and corporate-level strategy. Students are expected to have the ability to analyze and initiate corporate strategy and understand the influencing factors of business management after taking this course.

Communications and Negotiations
Junior Selected (0-2)
This course is offered to equip students will be able to describe the communication/negotiation process; that is, identify and define components of fundamental approaches to interpersonal, public, and organizational communication that bear on how individuals make themselves understood and enable them to achieve their purposes through interaction that takes place in various contexts.

Managing International Mergers And Acquisitions
Junior Selected (0-3)
Business acquisition is the process of acquiring a company to build on strengths or weaknesses of the acquiring company.This class on emphasis on two concepts , the legality of acquisition and the risk management skill that apply during acquisition . through several cases study student would be able to understand how acquisition process in the real business world.

International Business Readings
Senior Selected (0-3)
Lecture subject:

  1. Though various modern day communication channels, to assist students to have a better understanding on international business developments.
  2. By class readings and watching short videos, students are asked to take part in class discussions and exchanging ideas.
  3. Reading materials and videos are mainly in English, so that students are encourage to use English as a means in their professional activities.

International Human Resource Management
Senior Selected (0-3)
Lecture subject:

  1. To understand the current status and trend of human resource management in MNCs
  2. To understand the importance of culture on MNCs human resource management practices
  3. To understand the significant problems and solutions of MNC's human resource management

International Marketing

International Marketing
Junior Required (0-3)
This course outlines the major dimensions of the global business environment, provides a set of conceptual and analytical tools that prepared students to successfully apply the four Ps to global marketing, and addresses the current issues on global marketing.

The Marketing Strategy For Technology Industry
Junior Selected (2-0)
This course is aimed at high-tech industry marketing strategy analysis and planning and design, through the global technology industry began to introduce technological innovation IOT ,Big Data,AI Technology enable students to understand the evolution of today's technology industry (especially with the future development of telecommunication and IOT ), and 5G changes in the trend for the future to teach students the technology industry marketing and Business model to increase students' knowledge and insight.

Consumer Behavior
Junior Selected (3-0)
This course aims to let the students understand consumer’s decision making behavior and marketer’s activities.

Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Junior Selected (0-3)
This is a data analysis course designed for research of behavior science. The contents include basic statistical concepts and application methods. Students in this course are expected to familiar with the foundation of statistical methods but also to utilize the knowledge by solving the real data. In order to pursuit the learning goals, this course is going to introduce the class materials along with the application of analytic software such as SPSS. In-regular quiz may be distributed in class for evaluating student’s progress.

Marketing Research
Junior Selected (0-3)
Introduce the nature, technology, procedures and theory of marketing research, and integrate theory and practice, including: how to plan a marketing research plan and questionnaire, explore the application of statistical analysis methods in marketing research, execute marketing research cases, and how to write And conduct marketing research reports.

Information Management
Senior Selected (3-0)
This course is a basic course of information management. Its purpose is to let students know how information technology supports organizational activities and how to effectively achieve organizational goals. The course content includes an introduction to the basic knowledge of information technology, and an overview of related theories and techniques of management information systems.

Marketing Practice
Senior Selected (3-0)
Learn more about the development and application of all digital media, including web, mobile commerce platform, digital interactive TV, digital signage, observe the development of digital content convergence in the future, teach the students with the most practical experience, and get started immediately. With the case study, so that students both successful targets to follow, but also to avoid the future to repeat the same mistakes.

Network & Electronic Commerce
Senior Selected (0-3)
This course outlines several major dimensions: mobile commerce, innovative business, cloud, big data, internet, iot.

An Application To Business Intelligence And Big Data
Senior Selected (3-0)
The objective of this course is to build students' abilities in big data analysis and decision-making, as well as to unleash their digital creativity in the new era. Through the exploration of fundamental knowledge, methods, applications, and case studies in big data, as well as AI model implementation, students will become well-acquainted with the practical applications of big data in business management.
To practice students' data analysis skills, this course requires them to learn and become familiar with the R software. While the objective is not for students to become proficient in programming R, they should be able to understand R code, possess basic skills to edit R code, and most importantly, interpret the results of executing R code. This allows students to understand how data mining can assist managers in analyzing vast amounts of data, uncovering useful information hidden within it, identifying meaningful or interesting phenomena, and subsequently deriving coherent patterns. Through iterative validation, students can discover unexpected and viable implementation strategies.

International Trade

International Trade Laws
Senior Required (3-0)
The objective of this course is to make students familiar with international trade law and economic law, especially the WTO Agreements. This course includes introductions on regulations and cases of GATT, SPS and TBT Agreement, Antidumping Agreement, SCM Agreement and mechanism of dispute settlement, and provides students practice opportunities to brief the cross-cutting issues about international trade.

Practice Of International Trade
Junior Required (0-3)
The main goal of this course is to help students systematically establish the concepts of international trade management. I would introduce the expertise and skills of international trade operation, including Incoterms, international transportation, trade insurance, calculation of import and export quotations, production of import and export documents, and the methods to avoid exchange rate fluctuation risks, prevent trade frauds, and resolve trade disputes.

Sophomore Selected (2-2)
This course aims to introduce consumer choice, firm theory, market structure and some advanced issues of microeconomics. Students will learn how to use theoretical models to explain economic phenomenon in the real world.

Sophomore Selected (2-2)
Keynesian model, open macroeconomic model, growth theory, consumption theory, investment theory, moeny demand, moeny supply.

Business And Economy Of Asian Pacific Region
Junior Selected (0-3)
Asian Pacific markets represent a lion share of Taiwan’s external business. The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive and in-depth introduction of this region’s business and economies to our students, so that they could have a better understanding of the development and trends of markets and industries of this part of the world map. Major international organizations of economic and trade will also be introduced, based on which, students could more clearly position Taiwan’s advantages and disadvantages in international business competition.

International Trade Policy
Senior Selected (3-0)
The main content of the course is: 1. Introducing traditional trade policy tools, including tariffs, subsidies, quotas, dumping duties, balancing taxes (countervailing duties) and other trade remedy tools. 2. Discussing issues such as protectionism, regional trade agreements, regional economic integration, the World Trade Organization, and Taiwan's foreign trade situation and trade policies. 3. Exploring emerging international trade and environmental protection issues, including the progress and problems of the Doha Round negotiations, the relationship between the EU’s implementation of the carbon border adjustment mechanism and GATT rules, carbon trading, control of hazardous waste, protection of rare plants and animals, and the harmonization of trade and competition laws, etc.

Industrial Organization
Senior Selected (0-3)
This course is intended to help students to know: (i) the modern industrial organization: game theory, strategic behavior, and competition policy, and (ii) Taiwan's industries and industrial policies. The course outline includes: market power and performance, price decimation, game theory, oligopoly behavior, entry and non-pricing, product differentiation and advertising, technological change and research and development, vertical integration, and vertical relationships, regulation and de-regulation, antitrust law, Taiwan's industrial policies.

International Finance

Financial Management
Sophomore Required (3-0)
This course discusses concepts and decisions in financial management, specifically those concerned about corporate finance. Discussion topics are divided into five parts. The first section introduces the fundamental concepts. The second section discusses corporate valuation. The third part talks about long term investment decisions. The fourth part is concerned about financing decisions and dividend policies. Subsequently, the fifth part is discussed about the working capital management. Also, we will discuss the financial management practice of the business of Taiwan.

International Finance
Junior Required (3-0)
The objective of this course is to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of international financial market, theories of exchange rate determination, and international monetary system and policy. Students will be able to use graphs and mathematics to analyze theoretical and practical problems in these topics.

International Financial Management
Junior Required (0-3)
This course is based on financial management to understand the environmental differences encountered by the manager of the international finance function in a multinational corporation. Introduce the student to understand selected major issues of international financial management, for example, management of foreign exchange risk, hedging against foreign exchange risk by using foreign derivatives products, international capital budgeting and international financing decision, and learn the techniques of multinational financial management.

General Insurance
Junior Selected (3-0)
Insurance, as a major approach of risk management ensures financial stability of a person and family , and enable enterprises to suffer accidents has been able to maintain continued operations and normal profits, so the knowledge essential for the modern man. This course based on the principle of insurance and business practices elaborated so that students have a basic understanding of insurance.

Senior Selected (3-0)
This course introduces the evaluation of financial instruments and recent developments, teaches students how to use the trading system to write and test trading strategies, helps students understand the characteristics of commodities through theoretical analysis and practical operations, and make the best fund management and investment decisions under the overall environment and their financial conditions. This course will also assist students in obtaining financial licenses and participating in investment contests to strengthen their practical training.

Financial Market
Senior Selected (0-2)
Today's world political situation is treacherous and ever-changing and the financial market is changing rapidly. With technological innovation and policy changes with the times, it will have a certain degree of impact on the financial market. This course emphasizes both theory and practice. In order to help students effectively understand and master the basic professional knowledge in the financial field, it introduces the relevant theories of the financial market in a simple way; it is supplemented by the latest financial market information and management practice examples or case studies at home and abroad. For students who are interested in understanding the financial market, it provides a simple and fast learning path, as well as certificate-related examination questions, which shortens the learning curve for students and effectively improves their learning efficiency and effectiveness.

Financial Derivatives
Senior Selected (0-3)
The purpose of the course is to provide knowledge of all the main contract types of derivatives (forward, future, swap and options, etc.) and skills on pricing, contract evaluation and application. Derivative products have a profound impact on financial markets, and there is extensive interaction between academic research and business practice. This course seeks to find a balance between theory and practice by examining the fundamental principles of the valuation of derivative securities and structured products. This course will use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and macros function to learn how to solve pricing problems for various derivative contracts by developing analytic and numerical solution.

Courses related to international exchange

Seminar On Global Economics And Business (I)
Junior Selected (0-3)

  1. Understand and be able to explain the fundamental theories of brand management.
  2. Apply brand management theories and design relevant marketing activities.
  3. Be capable of applying brand management theories to analyze industry phenomena and activities.

Seminar On Global Economics And Business (II)
Senior Selected (3-0)
In this course, a number of foreign visiting scholars specially hired by the department will give special lectures on global operations. The topics covered: international operations, international trade, international finance, international law and other important topics.

Field Study Of Overseas Markets And Economies
Senior Selected (0-2)
One of the characteristics of this course is that students from the bachelor's class, master's class, and master's on-the-job class of the department form a learning team, cooperate with the full-time teachers of the department, and go overseas together for about a week of university business visits. During this process, in addition to discussing with overseas students, we also visited local Taiwanese businessmen or well-known international companies, combining theory and practice.

Language Courses

English For Workplace Professional
Freshman Required (0-2)
A. Target on EMI
1.To engage international communication skills:
Students will not only stand at the forefront of international professional knowledge, but also develop the abilities to communicate and cooperate with international professionals and work globally.
2.To achieve level B2 and above of CEFR
Students will reach the B2 fluency level or above as referenced in English learning.
B. Target on Test
1.Students will comprehend International tests and on specific preparation
2.Students will Enhance listening, reading, speaking and writing skills for tests

Business English
Junior Required (2-2)
1.Students will be able to use English in professional situations.
2.Students will learn key business vocabulary and revise important grammatical structures and functional areas.
3.Students will develop the skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing and make their English communication clearer and more effective. 
1.It is important that we all respect and support each other in learning.
2.This class is structured around the units in our textbook. Please make sure you bring it in every class. Additionally, I will assign preparation homework for each class.
3.Be sure to prepare for each class. It will help you to perform better in class. We will not go over all the textbook activities in class, but you are expected to know the information they contain.
4.Student feedback is important. All comments and suggestions regarding the class are appreciated. The schedule I have outlined below is flexible and is open to change during the semester.
5.Punctuality and class attendance are essential. In addition to showing respect for your teacher and classmates, it is imperative to your own learning. More than three absences for any reason will affect your grade. Five absences or more will result in a failing grade.

English Conversation
Sophomore Selected (2-2)
1.Students will be able to use English in everyday life and make their English communication clearer and more effective.
2.Students will connect critical thinking, language skills, and learning outcome.
1.It is important that we all respect and support each other in learning.
2.This class is structured around the units in our textbook. Please make sure you bring it in every class. Additionally, I will assign preparation homework for each class.
3.Be sure to prepare for each class. It will help you to perform better in class. We will not go over all the textbook activities in class, but you are expected to know the information they contain.
4.Student feedback is important. All comments and suggestions regarding the class are appreciated. The schedule outlined below is flexible and is opened to change during the semester.
5.Punctuality and class attendance are essential. In addition to showing respect for your teacher and classmates, it is imperative to your own learning. More than three absences for any reason will affect your grade. Five absences or more will result in a failing grade.

Sophomore Selected (3-3)
This introductory course of Spanish is designed for the students who have never learned this language before, students will spend one academic year (during the period of two semesters: about 18 weeks per semester, 3 hours per week, except midterm and semester exams, the official teaching hours will be 96 hours) on Spanish learning . All beginners should be ready to develop a their basic Spanish knowledgement step by step. The teacher of this course is willingly to teach and give all students who have a strong will to learn the mentioned language their own second language skills, as well as the effective language training.

Japanese And Oral Japanese (I)
Junior Selected (3-3)
This course enhances the basic skills for conversation, reading, and writing. It emphasizes
1. Correct pronunciation in actual use of Japanese in contexts.
2. The development of reading comprehension, basic patterns and communicative skills.
3. Students are expected to fully utilize the associated teaching materials (a set of CD-ROMs covering the entire text) along with other audio and visual media to facilitate their command of listening. Furthermore, students are expected to carry on a daily conversation with the teacher and peers.
4. Upon completion of this course, students are expected to reach N5 level of JLPT.

Optional Law Course

Introduction To Civil Law
Sophomore Selected (3-0)
This course aims to introduce students to the legal concepts and basic principles of Civil Law in Taiwan and improve their abilities to solve legal problems in daily life. Students will learn about the general principles and rules of civil, debt, and property law.

Commercial Law
Junior Selected (0-3)
This course will assist students to cultivate their capacity toward commercial law and the legitimacy of commercial behavior . Understanding that law study is not about memorizing the articles but to indulge the essence of the legal logic and wording . Through series of cases study and discussion the student will have a better concept of Commercial Law.

Intellectual Property Law
Junior Selected (3-0)
In the knowledge economic ear, the intangible property is sometimes more important than the tangible ones. In this course, the current IP laws, including Copyright Act, Trademark Act, Patent Act, Trade Secrets Act, Integrated Circuit Layout Protection Act, Plant Variety and Plant Seed Act, will be introduced, and the courts’ decisions on IP related issues will be discussed. The students will learn the general and basic knowledge about IP law system.

Tax Law
Senior Selected (0-2)
“Tax Laws & Regulations” is an important course for students who are accounting majors to understand the tax system in Taiwan. It is also a crucial exam subject of CPA examination and national examinations. Many people feel frustrated when they study“Tax Laws & Regulations” because the content of tax laws is too trivial and complicated to understand clearly. Thus, the main goal of my course is to help students construct systematic and logistic principles of the tax system. Students not only can clearly know the operation of the tax system in our country but also can further discuss their legislative explanation and problems.


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