Minor/Double Majors




Method of Test and Selection

Minor Unlimited Number

A. Requirements on academic performance Submitting a transcript with at least an average score of 70 out of 100 in the first semester (adding the note of percentile ranking)

B. Other qualifications required

  1. Only Grade 1 & 2 students of this university are entitled to apply.
  2. Please add the information of percentile ranking in the class on the transcript.
  3. The approval is made primarily on academic performance.
  4. Students of other departments who take department of international business as the minor, are allowed to take other subjects as designated by the department with prior approval if the minor subject have been taken and accomplished before.
Written Document Review
Double Majors

Unlimited Number

  1. It is open for applications by students of grade 1 and 2 who have gained at least an average score of 75 out of 100 along with transcripts in which the percentile rankings in a class is added.
  2. The approval is made primarily on academic performance.

Written Document Review

※For details, please refer to the information posted by the registrar section of the academic affairs department of the Soochow University for a given academic year.

The webpage of the registrar section of the academic affairs department contains relevant information on inter-discipline study: http://web-ch.scu.edu.tw/regcurr/web_page/8048


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