Inter-University Transfer Examination

Number of Places Qualification Method of Examination and Selection
For students of Grade 2 and 3 with the availability uncertain. Those who graduate from college or have finished at least the first or second year of study in a university and met the requirements as listed in the prospectus are entitled to register for the examination.

Inter-University Transfer: Written Test or Written Document Review

A. Written Test

1. Subjects: English language and Economics (the same for Grade 2 and 3)

B. Written Document Review:

  1. Transcripts and Proof of Ranking
  2. Autobiography (Within 1,500 words including study plan)
  3. Other favorable documents (i.e. certificate of English proficiency, result of competition, community activity, proof of scholarship winning, other proofs or certificates on proficiency test, achievement, participation in charity activity, and so on)

※For details, please refer to the prospectus of Soochow University for a given academic year.

Webpage of Soochow University’s latest information on admission:  


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