【She's in Jail】Documentary Screening


Lawyer Tonyee Chow Hang-tung, Hong Kong human rights activist, former vice-chairman of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China (HKASPDMC), was sentenced to 15 months' imprisonment on June 4, 2021 on charges of publicizing on the Internet and calling for participation in the June 4 Candlelight Vigil.

Later, she was charged with inciting subversion of state power, together with HKASPDMC Chairman Lee Cheuk-yan and Vice-Chairman Albert Ho Chun-yan, and remanded to jail for nearly two-and-a-half years. 

"When the exercise of power is based on lies, as a human being, one can only disobey."Lawyer Tonyee Chow Hang-tung defended herself and chose not to plead guilty to the many charges against her. Not only did she fight for his case, but she also fought for each and every time she appeared in court...

This documentary is distributed by the British organization- The 29 Principles, in cooperation with the Human Rights Program of SCU and the Chang Fo-Chuan Center for the Study of Human Rights, invite students who are concerned with Hong Kong issues to watch the story of Lawyer Tonyee Chow Hang-tung, to understand the situation facing in Hong Kong, and learn about this struggling which we will not to be given up in our democratic movement.

Date: 2024/04/29(Mon) 18:20-20:40

Venue: Classroom H203, Wai Shuanghsi Campus, Soochow University

Length: 104 minutes

Time Flow: 18:00 opening and signing in, 18:20 documentary screening, 20:10 post-screening talk and exchange, 20:40 program ending.

Application Form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdMtfZnLdjLs_MWHnS8zhNRNKpXJFLNq-BoZMU0wj9BjU6Yeg/viewform

Notes for movie watching:

1. Due to personal safety considerations, this documentary will only be available to those who have signed up in advance, and will not be open for temporary attendance. 

2. Please fill in true information, do not fill in false information, registration information is only used for this activity, the organizer will delete all information after the end of the event.

3. Entry to this event will be prohibited 20 minutes after the start of the event, so please make sure to reserve your attendance time.

4. Audio-visual recording, video-recording, and photography are strictly prohibited for the screening and post-screening discussion of this event.

5. If you do not wish to cooperate with the organizer, the organizer may decline your attendance.



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