The mission of Department of Accounting at Soochow University is “to cultivate accounting professionals with conscientiousness and gregariousness.”

Our goal is to provide an accounting education that emphasizes:

(1) formation of professional core knowledge which covers both theories and practices;

(2) facilitation of cross-disciplinary integration of knowledge;

(3) cultivation of professional ethics and gregariousness.


The department designs and provides three programs-undergraduate, master, and executive master programs. To achieve three teaching goals mentioned above, they are adjusted in details by programs- undergraduate and master (including master and executive master programs).

The detailed teaching goals of undergraduate, master, and executive master programs are as follows: 

Undergraduate Programs:

(1) formation of professional core knowledge which covers both theories and practices;

(2) facilitation of cross-disciplinary integration of knowledge;

(3) cultivation of professional ethics and gregariousness.

Master and Executive Master Programs:

(1) improving professional advanced knowledge which covers both theories and practices;

(2) enhancing research ability to integrate international visions and local perspectives;

(3) strengthening professional ethics judgements and management ability.



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