Taiwan |
Name of Association |
Contact Information |
校友總會 |
02-28819471#5956 |
台北市校友會 Alumni association in Taipei |
lcs1969@hotmail.com.tw |
基隆市校友會 Alumni association in Ji Long |
桃園市校友會 Alumni association in Tou Yuan |
新竹市校友會 Alumni association in Xin Zhu |
台中市校友會 Alumni association in Tai Zhong |
bill3460@hotmail.com |
南投縣校友聯誼會 Alumni association in Nan Tou |
b0919864868@gmail.com |
彰化縣校友會 Alumni association in Zhang Hua |
雲林縣校友會 Alumni association in Yun Lin |
glong168@gmail.com |
嘉義縣市校友聯誼會 Alumni association in Jia Yi |
meichiangliao@gmail.com |
台南市校友會 Alumni association in Tainan |
wangpy@seed.net.tw |
高雄市校友會 Alumni association in Gao Xiong |
jessica@fuhsing.com.tw |
屏東縣校友聯誼會 Alumni association in Ping Dong |
scoutcwjh@yahoo.com.tw |
宜蘭縣校友聯誼會 Alumni association in Yi Lan |
花縣蓮校友聯誼會 Alumni association in Hua Lian |
leader.hsieh@gmail.com |
台東縣校友會 Alumni association in Tai Dong |
hlue@tch.org.tw |
金門縣校友會 Alumni association in Jin Men |
yesuke0112@gmail.com |
澎湖縣校友會 Alumni association in Penghu |
ee883.adsl@msa.hinet.net |
Overseas area |
Name of Association |
Contact Information |
大陸地區校友會 Alumni association in Shang Hai |
1057036685@qq.com |
神州東吳上海校友聯誼會 Alumni association in Shen Zhou |
allen_fc@yahoo.com.tw |
北京校友聯誼會 Alumni association in Bei Jing |
Mily.ciou@foxmail.com |
東吳大學香港校友會 |
soochowhk@gmail.com |
東吳大學澳門校友會 Alumni association in Macau |
東吳大學日本校友會 Alumni association in Japan |
amyholdings.osm@gmail.com |
馬來西亞東吳大學校友會 Alumni association in Malaysia |
cswong07@gmail.com |
東吳大學泰國校友會 Alumni association in Thailand |
gary.lee355@gamil.com |
北加州校友會 Alumni association in Northern California |
sj0330@gmail.com |
南加州校友會 Alumni association in Southern California |
tsun@sclinkusa.com |
中西部校友會 Alumni association in Midwestern US |
samschou5@hotmail.com |
休士頓校友會 Alumni association in Houston |
gulfsouthinvestments@gmail.com |
達拉斯校友會 Alumni association in Dallas |
eugshen99@msn.com |
美東校友會 Alumni association in East US |
garyhu@preferredbank.com |
大華府校友會 Alumni association in Washington |
lchiangcfa@yahoo.com |
美東南東吳大學校友會 Alumni association in Southeast USA |
montyc@montychiu.com |
夏威夷東吳大學校友會 Alumni association in Hawaii |
dingchyu@alumni.scu.edu.tw |
加西東吳大學校友會 Alumni association in western Canada |
alteng5025@gmail.com |
東吳大學多倫多校友會 Alumni association in Toronto |
kathmlee@rogers.com |
Department |
Name of Association |
Contact Information |
中文系系友會 Alumni association of the department of Chinese Literature |
02-28819471ext.6134 |
歷史系系友會 Alumni association of the department of History |
02-28819471ext.6174 |
哲學系系友會 Alumni association of the department of Philosophy |
02-28819471ext.6212 |
政治系系友會 Alumni association of the department of Political Science |
02-28819471ext.6253 |
社會系系友會 Alumni association of the department of Sociology |
kwe1219@yahoo.com.tw |
社工系系友會 Alumni association of the department of Social Work |
02-28819471ext.6333 |
社會工作學系碩士班碩友會 Alumni association of the department of Social Work (Master Degree) |
christ55@ms46.hinet.net |
音樂系系友會 Alumni association of the department of music |
02-28819471#6371 |
英文系系友會 Alumni association of the department of English Language and Literature |
02-28819471ext.6486 |
日文系系友會 Alumni association of the department of Japan Language and Literature |
mic007601@yahoo.com.tw |
德文系系友會 Alumni association of the department of German Language and Literature |
數學系系友會 Alumni association of the department of Mathematics |
02-28819471ext.6683 |
物理系系友會 Alumni association of the department of Physics |
02-28819471ext.6732 |
化學系系友會 Alumni association of the department of Chemistry |
02-28819471ext.6792 |
微生物系系友會 Alumni association of the department of Microbiology |
心理系系友會 Alumni association of the department of Psychology |
Devilandy2002@gmail.com |
法學院院友會 Alumni association of the department of law |
02-23111531ext.2521 |
經濟系系友會 Alumni association of the department of Economics |
02-23111531 ext.2671 |
會計系系友會 Alumni association of the department of accounting |
02-23111531 ext.2598 |
企管系系友會 Alumni association of the department of Business Administration |
02-23812700 |
國貿系系友會 Alumni association of the department of International Business |
02-23311531 ext.2711 |
財精系系友會 Alumni association of the department of Financial Engineering and Actuarial Mathematic |
02-23311531 ext.2621 |
資管系系友會 Alumni association of the department of computer science |
02-23311531 ext.2815 |
商學進修學士班系友會 Alumni association of the department of Undergraduate Program of Business |
srelalin@gmail.com |
臺北市東吳大學 EMBA服務與成長協會 |
02-23311531 ext.2871 |
企管系EMBA聯誼會 SCU EMBA Alumni Union |
02-23311531 ext.2610-16 |
Interest type |
Name of Association |
Contact Information |
東吳大學校友合唱團 |
chinnju@ms68.hinet.net |
東吳大學校友弦誦合唱團 |
acc@scu.edu.tw |
東吳大學男子籃球代表隊校友會 |
fremondhsu@gmail.com |
東吳大學女子籃球校友會 |
a1126@scu.edu.tw |
東吳大學網球代表隊校友會 |
you0918230088@gmail.com |
東吳大學運動代表隊後援會 |
chg4803@ms17.hinet.net |
東吳大學社服團文教協會 |
pyang@ms5.hinet.net |
東吳校友京劇社 |
h0102571@yahoo.com.tw |
東吳大學土風舞暨國際民俗舞蹈社友會 |
franksu39@gmail.com |
東吳大學學生會校友會 |
l596596lu@gmail.com |
東吳校友健康樂活社 |
Cindyhsu123@gmail.com |
東吳大學學生代表校友會 |
j070217j@gmail.com |
錦繡東吳校友會 |
305651850@qq.com |
東吳傑英會 |
jying@alumni.scu.edu.tw |
東吳大學基層文化服務團校友志工隊 | michael40406@gmail.com |