

Title Name Portrait Education Expertise
Associate Professor and Chairperson Ter-Hsing Cheng Portrait of Teacher 「Ter-Hsing Cheng」 PhD in Sociology, Charles University, Czech Republic Political Sociology, Historical Sociology, International Migration Study, Central and Eastern European Study, Overseas Chinese Study
Professor Gang-Hua Fan Portrait of Teacher 「Gang-Hua Fan」 PhD in Sociology, University of Texas at Austin, USA Religiosity and Well-Being, Social Indicators and Quality of Life, Self-Concept Development, Quantitative Research Method
Professor C. S. Stone Shih Portrait of Teacher 「C. S. Stone Shih」 PhD in Sociology, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Sociological Theory, The Sociology of Art, Popular Music Culture Study, Urban Sociology, Social Geographic Information Systems,Big Data Sociology
Retired Professor Chia-Ming Chang Portrait of Teacher 「Chia-Ming Chang」 PhD in Sociology, Tunghai University Sociological Theory, Sociology of Development and Globalization, China and Taiwanese Business Studies, Intimacy and Eroticism Issues, Central and Eastern European Studies
Retired Professor Ming-Yeh Wu Portrait of Teacher 「Ming-Yeh Wu」 PhD in Child and Family Studies, University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA Sociology of Family, Social Research Methods, Adolescent Issues, Marriage and Family Relationships
Professor Chun-Mei Chuang Portrait of Teacher 「Chun-Mei Chuang」 PhD in Sociology, City University of New York, USA Feminist Theories, Sociological Theory, Postcolonial Discourse, Science and Technology Studies, Psychoanalysis
Professor Chung-Yang YEH Portrait of Teacher 「Chung-Yang YEH」 PhD in Sociology and Social Policy, University of Southampton, the U.K. Comparative Pension Studies, Comparative Social Policy, Comparative Welfare State and Capitalism, Welfare Attitudes, New Institutionalism, Comparative Research Methods (Quantitative and Qualitative)
Professor Yi-Chun Chou Portrait of Teacher 「Yi-Chun Chou」 PhD in Sociology, Heidelberg University, Germany Comparative Analysis of Social Policies, Social Insurance, Social Policies of European Union, Welfare Policies of Disabilities, Theories of Social Welfare
Professor Yu-Cheng Liu Portrait of Teacher 「Yu-Cheng Liu」 PhD in Sociology, National Chengchi University Artificial Intelligence, Ethnomethodology, Social Systems Theory, Technology and Society, Social Design and Design Thinking
Professor Emeritus Ming-Che Tsai Portrait of Teacher 「Ming-Che Tsai」 PhD in Agricultural Extension, National Taiwan University Urban Sociology, The Sociology of Leisure, The Sociology of Development, The Social History of Taiwan, Social Marketing, Social Aesthetics