The School currently consists of the Department of Chinese Literature , Department of History, Department of Philosophy, Department of Political Science, Department of Sociology, Department of Social Work, Department of Music, the Center for Teacher Education, Program of Human Rights , Program of Creative Cultural Industries (PCCI), Program of Non-Profit Organizational Management, and English Program For East Asia Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, encompassing 12 teaching departments, listed as follows:
※中國文學系 Department of Chinese Literature
※歷史學系 Department of History
※哲學系 Department of Philosophy
※政治學系 Department of Political Science
※社會學系 Department of Sociology
※社會工作學系 Department of Social Work
※音樂學系 Department of Music
※師資培育中心 Center for Teacher Education
※人權學程 Program of Human Rights
※創意人文學程 Program of Creative Cultural Industries(PCCI)
※非營利組織管理學程 Program of Non-Profit Organizational Management
※東亞人文社會研究全英語學程 English Program For East Asia Humanities and Social Sciences Studies