Associate Professor

Ter-Hsing Cheng

Education : PhD in Sociology, Charles University, Czech Republic

Expertise :

Political Sociology, Historical Sociology, International Migration Study, Central and Eastern European Study, Overseas Chinese Study



111-1:Basic Czech Language、Social Psychology、Social Research And Method、Local Creation And Community Building、Local Memory And Oral History

111-2:Social Research And Method、A New Guide To Local History、Social Research Methods

Ext. 6321
Research Room D0741
Email jameseataiwan@scu.edu.tw
Academic Publish / Research


2015.8-2016.7Ter-hsing Cheng, "The Historical Memory and Education of the Split Nations in the Central and Eastern European Countries—The Analysis of Czech and Slovak History Textbooks” , School of Liberal Arts and Social Science, Soochow University, Taipei(鄭得興,「中東歐分裂國家的歷史記憶與教育—捷克及斯洛伐克歷史教科書之分析」, 東吳大學人文社會學院研究計畫)

2014.8-2015.7Ter-hsing Cheng, "The Push-Pull between National Consciousness of International Immigrants and Social Integration/exclusion of Multiculturalism : An Empirical Case of Chinese Immigrants in the Czech Republic" School of Liberal Arts and Social Science, Soochow University, Taipei (鄭得興,「國際移民之本國民族意識與多元文化主義之社會整合/排除的推拉—以捷克中國移民之實證個案為例」,東吳大學人文社會學院研究計畫)

2011.7-2011.12Ter-hsing Cheng, Chia-ming Chang, "Development and Difficulty of Civil Society in the Central and Eastern Europe: Cases of Czech Olomouc and Slovak Presov”, School of Liberal Arts and Social Science, Soochow University, Taipei(鄭得興、張家銘,「中東歐地方公民社會發展及其困境—捷克Olomouc及斯洛伐克Presov的個案探討」,東吳大學人文社會學院研究計畫)

2011.1-2011.12Chia-ming Chang, Ter-hsing Cheng, "Civil Society and the Disadvantaged Factors : The Taiwan and Czech Cases”, PPP project of NSC and cooperated with Czech research team(張家銘、鄭得興(2011.1-2011.12),Civil Society and the Disadvantaged Factors—The Taiwan and Czech Cases,與捷克合作之國科會PPP計畫)

2010.07 Chia-ming Chang, Ter-hsing Cheng and Yuan-guei Ho, "Global layout and cross-cultural management of Taiwan businessmen in the Central and Eastern Europe : The Czech case”, Teaching and Research Center for Central and Eastern Europe, Department of Sociology, Soochow University, Taipei(張家銘、鄭得興、何元圭,「中東歐台商的全球化佈局與跨文化管理—以捷克為例」(2010.7),東吳大學社會系中東歐教學研究中心)

2010.8-2011.2Chia-ming Chang, "Local social development under global environment: Case study of Czech Republic, Slovakia and Taiwan”(2010-2012), NSC project, Ter-hsing Cheng worked as post-doctor fellow(7.2010-2.2011) and still participated in this project after being assistant professor (2.2011-)(張家銘,「全球環境下的地方社會發展:捷克、斯洛伐克與台灣個案研究」(2010-2012),國科會計畫,鄭得興擔任博士後研究(2010.7-2011.2),2011.2之後轉任東吳社會系專任教師,仍持續參與本計畫的研究工作)

2010.7-2010.12Chia-ming Chang, Ter-hsing Cheng, "Historical consciousness and collective memory of younger generation under globalization : Taiwan, Czech Republic and Slovakia”, School of Liberal Arts and Social Science, Soochow University, Taipei (張家銘、鄭得興,「全球化下年輕世代的歷史意識及集體記憶─台灣、捷克及斯洛伐克」(2010.7-2010.12),東吳大學人文社會學院計畫)

2009.8-2010.7Chia-ming Chang, "Transformation and local social development under globalization: Sociological study of Czech and Slovak cases”(2009), National Science Council(NSC) project, Ter-hsing Cheng worked as post-doctor fellow.(2009.8-2010.7) (張家銘,「轉型與全球化中的地方社會發展:捷克與斯洛伐克個案的社會學研究」(2009),國科會計畫,鄭得興擔任博士後研究(2009.8-2010.7) 


2016.3"Migration Policy of EU and The Challenge of Multiculturalism—A Case Study of the Czech Republic”, in the book of The Context and Practice of Cultural Policy in the EU, by The Center of European Union in Taiwan, Double Blind Review, Chinese Publication (「歐洲聯盟之移民政策與多元文化主義之挑戰:捷克個案探討」,《歐洲聯盟文化政策之脈絡與實踐》專書,台灣歐洲聯盟中心出版(有審查),中文出版)

2015.7"Deepen Democracy and Challenge in the Central and Eastern European—Czech Case and Comparative Sociological Research”, a book of 370 pages, Song-Hui Publishing Company,Chinese Publication Publication (「中東歐民主深化與挑戰—捷克個案與比較社會研究 」專書,370頁,松慧出版社,中文出版)

2015.7"The Dual Identity and Social Integration of International Immigrants in the Czech Republic—A Survey Research on the Second Generation of Chinese and Vietnamese Immigrants”, TAMKANG JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, co-author Liyan Hu,Double Blind Review (有審查)

2015.6 "The Image of Czech Picture—The Analysis on the Touristic Gaze of "Czech Tour Group” by Taiwan Travelling Agency”, Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly, pp6-15, Chinese publication (「捷克風情的想像—分析台灣旅行社『捷克團』的觀光凝視」,2015年6月號,第30期,頁6-15,台北:巴黎視野(季刊),中文出版)

2015.3"Memory and Identity under the Separation of Czech Republic and Slovakia-The Perspective of Czech Historical Textbook”, Taipei: Taiwan International Study Quarterly, volume 11, issue 1 , 2015/spring. pp.97-115 , Double Blind Review, Chinese publication , (「捷克斯洛伐克分裂下的記憶與認同─兼論捷克歷史教科書之觀點」,台灣國際研究季刊,第11卷第1期,2015年/春季號,頁97-115(有審查),中文出版)

2015.3"The Relation between Taiwan Strait in the Central and Eastern Europe” Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly, pp3-9, Chinese publication (「中東歐與台海二岸關係」,2015年3月號,第30期,台北:巴黎視野季刊,頁3-9,中文出版)

2015.3"The Perspective of the Central and Eastern Europe –Historical, Cultural and Social Observation”, a book of 381 pages, Song-Hui Publishing Company,Chinese Publication (「中東歐視野--歷史、文化與社會的觀察」專書主編,381頁,松慧出版社,中文出版)

2015.1"Vietnamese Immigrants in the Czech Republic: Social Integration and Identity”, Sociology at the Street Corner, Chinese publication(「捷克的越南移民:社會融合與認同」,巷子口社會學,中文發表) http://twstreetcorner.org/2015/01/06/chengterhsing/

2015.1"A Notebook of Social Security and Order in the Central and Eastern Europe—A Watch of Sociology”, Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly, pp.1-5, Chinese publication  (「中東歐社會治安事件簿—社會學的觀察」2015年1月號,第29期,台北:巴黎視野(季刊),頁1-5,中文發表)

2015.1"Franz Kafka and Prague : Social Reflection on Spirit of Consumption Place”, Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly, pp.51-59, co-author Bin-Hung Cheng, etc, Chinese publication  (「卡夫卡與布拉格-消費場所精神的社會反思」2014年9月號,第29期,台北:巴黎視野(季刊),頁51-59,共同作者:陳炳宏等,中文發表)

2014.9"Social Security and Order after the Revolution of the Central and Eastern Europe”, Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly, pp.1-9, Chinese publication  (「中東歐改革開放後的社會治安」2014年9月號,第28期,台北:巴黎視野(季刊),頁1-9,中文發表)

2014.8"Go toward the Central and Eastern Europe—The Introduction of Research Base: Olomouc of the Moravia Big City in the Czech Republic”, Globalization and Local Development : The First Exploration of the Central and Eastern European and Taiwan’s Experience, editor  Chia-Ming Chang, Taipei: Songhui.pub, pp21-26. Chinese publication ( 「前進中東歐—中東歐研究基地簡介:捷克摩拉維亞大城Olomouc介紹」,全球化與地方發展—中東歐與台灣經驗初探,張家銘主編,台北:松慧出版公司,頁21-26。中文發表)

2014.8"Tourism Development and Memory Alienation—A Case Study of Jiufen and Jinguashi”, Globalization and Local Development : The First Exploration of the Central and Eastern European and Taiwan’s Experience, editor  Chia-ming Chang, Taipei: Songhui.pub, pp87-134. Chinese publication, (「觀光發展與在地記憶的疏離—以九份、金瓜石為例」, 全球化與地方發展—中東歐與台灣經驗初探,張家銘主編,台北:松慧出版公司,頁87-134。中文發表)

2014.8"Civil Society and Participatory Democracy in the New Democracies: A Comparison between Taiwan and Czech Republic”, Globalization and Local Development : The First Exploration of the Central and Eastern European and Taiwan’s Experience, editor  Chia-Ming Chang, Taipei: Songhui.pub, pp159-208, Chinese publication,  (「新興民主國家之公民社會及參與民主:台灣與捷克之個案研究」,全球化與地方發展—中東歐與台灣經驗初探,張家銘主編,台北:松慧出版公司,頁159-208。中文發表)

2014.8"Local Response of ‘Growth’ and ‘Dependency’ :A Case Study of Taiwan Businessmen in Suzhou, China”,co-author Chia-Ming Chang, Border Crossing in Greater China, Production, community and identity, Edited by Jenn-hwan Wang, London and New York: Routledge, pp.91-114, English publication

2014.7"Memory and Identity under the Division of Czechoslovakia--The Czech View of History Textbook " Historical Memory and national Identity : Historical Education of Selected Countries, editor Cheng-Feng Shih, Taipei:Taiwan International Study Association, pp.201-222, Chinese publication「捷克斯洛伐克分裂下的記憶認同—捷克歷史教科書之觀點」,歷史記憶與國家認同—各國歷史教育,施正鋒主編,台北:台灣國際研究會,頁201-222) ,中文發表

2014.6"The Road of Czech National Revival Movement:19th Century on Today”, Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly, pp.10-20, Chinese publication  (「捷克民族復興運動之路—十九世紀之於今日」2014年6月號,第27期,台北:巴黎視野(季刊),頁10-20,中文發表)

2014.6"Historical Legacy and Transitional Justice in the Central and Eastern Europe: A Case of Czech Republic and Slovakia” , Taipei: Taiwan International Study Quarterly, volume 10, issue 2 , 2014/summer. pp.63-81 , Double Blind Review, Chinese publication ( 「中東歐國家之歷史遺緒與轉型正義—以捷克及斯洛伐克為例」,台灣國際研究季刊,第10卷第2期,2014年/夏季號,頁63-81(有審查)) ,中文發表

2014.6"The Chapter of Education”, Go toward Hungary, editors Wei-Da Pan and Chia-Ming Chang, Taipei: Songhui.pub, pp.195-226, Chinese publication (「教育篇」,前進匈牙利,潘維大及張家銘主編,台北:松慧出版社,頁195-226),中文發表

2014.3"Skanzen(s) in Central and Eastern Europe and Reflection on Taiwan’s Cultural Reservation”, Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly, pp. 6-11, Chinese publication (「中東歐民俗文化村及反思台灣文化保存」,2014年3月號,第26期,台北:巴黎視野(季刊),頁6-11,中文發表)

2013.12"Tourism Development and Memory Alienation—A Case Study of Jiufen and Jinguashi” Chiayi:Journal of Globalization and Multiculturalism, pp107-148, Double Blind Review, Chinese publication (「觀光發展與在地記憶的疏離—以九份、金瓜石為例」,第一期,2013年12月號,嘉義:全球化與多元文化學報,頁107-148)(有匿名審查) ,中文發表

2013.12"Civil Society and Participatory Democracy in the New Democracies: A Comparison between Taiwan and Czech Republic” Chiayi:Journal of Law and Public Governance, pp. 59-100, Double Blind Review, Chinese publication (「新興民主國家之公民社會及參與民主:台灣與捷克之個案研究」,第一期,2013年12月號,嘉義:法治與公共治理學報,頁59-100) (有匿名審查) ,中文發表

2013.12"Jarovslav Prusek and Development of Czech Sinology” Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly, pp. 18-23, Chinese publication (「普實克與捷克漢學發展」,2013年12月號,第25期,台北:巴黎視野(季刊),頁18-23) ,中文發表

2013.12"The Collective Memory Framework in the Context of National Identity Differentiation: The Younger Generations after the Breakup of Czechoslovakia”, Taipei: Taiwan International Study Quarterly, volume 9, issue 4 , 2013/winter. Pp.91-117 , Double Blind Review, Chinese publication ( 「國家認同差異性下之集體記憶框架—捷克及斯洛伐克分裂後的年輕世代」,台灣國際研究季刊,第4卷第4期,2013年/冬季號,頁91-117(有審查)) ,中文發表

2013.11"Historical Legacy and Transitional Justice in the Central and Eastern Europe: A Case of Czech Republic and Slovakia” ,Transitional Justice, editor Cheng-Feng Shih, Taipei:Taiwan International Study Association, pp.191-211, Chinese publication (「中東歐國家之歷史遺緒與轉型正義—以捷克及斯洛伐克為例」,轉型正義,施正鋒主編,台北:台灣國際研究會,頁191-211) ,中文發表

2013.09"Chinese Immigrants in the Central and Eastern Europe: 90s’ Actual Records” Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly, pp.9-15, Chinese publication (「中東歐的中國移民—九零年代紀實」,2013年9月號,第24期,台北:巴黎視野(季刊),頁9-15) ,中文發表

2013.08"EU’s Common Immigration Policy: The Perspective of Czech "Immigrants’ Integration” and A Chinese Case”, (Co-author with Li-Yan Hu) edited by Tai-lin Chang, The Making of the EU's Common Foreign Policy : Challenges and Opportunities, School of Foreign Languages and the EU Monet Teaching Modules Project, Double Blind Review, pp257-293, Chinese publication (「歐盟共同移民政策與會員國之挑戰--捷克的『移民整合』及中國移民視角」,收錄在張台麟主編的「歐盟推動建構共同對外政策之發展:機會與挑戰」專書,政治大學外語學院暨歐盟莫內教學模組計畫(有匿名審查) ,頁257-293) ,中文發表
2013.06"20th Anniversary of Slovak Independence ” Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly(Co-author with Hsin-Huei, Yeh) , Chinese publication ( 「斯洛伐克獨立20年」2013年6月號,台北:巴黎視野(季刊),共同作者,葉馨蕙,第23期,頁13-17) ,中文發表

2013.03"The Memory Framework of Prague: Among Diverse Ideologies”, Taipei: Coco Magazine(Quarterly) , Chinese publication ( 「布拉格的記憶框架—各種主義之間」,頁10-13,第10期,台北:可口雜誌(季刊)) ,中文發表

2013.03"Czech Political Parties and Its Impact on EU Integration”, 2013 EUTW FORUM I, The Treaty of Elysée and the Future of EU’s Integration, Taiwan ‘s EU Center, the EU Monet Teaching Modules Project, National Cheng Chi University, National Library, Chinese publication (「捷克的政黨輪替及其對歐盟統合之影響」,2013年第1次臺灣歐盟論壇,愛麗舍條約的啟示與歐盟統合的願景,主辦單位:臺灣歐洲聯盟中心、政治大學歐洲聯盟莫內教學模組計畫、國家圖書館) ,中文發表

2013.03"Global View of Younger Generation: Taiwan, Czech Republic and Slovakia ” Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly(Co-author with Chia-Min Chang) , Chinese publication ( 「年輕世代的全球視野—台灣、捷克及斯洛伐克」2013年3月號,第22期,頁4-8台北:巴黎視野(季刊),共同作者,張家銘) ,中文發表

2012.12"The Polish Youth-The Desert without Future or The Oasis of Innovation”, Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly(Co-author with KOSCIANSKI Artur) , Chinese publication (「波蘭的年輕人-沒有未來的沙漠或創新機制的綠洲」,2012年12月號,第21期,頁20-24,台北:巴黎視野(季刊),共同作者,KOSCIANSKI Artur) ,中文發表

2012.10"The Comparison between Chinese Immigrants and Vietnamese Immigrants in the Czech Republic: A Perspective of Social Integration”, Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly(Co-author with Liyan Hu) , Chinese publication (「捷克的中國移民及越南移民之比較¬-社會融合的觀點」,2012年10月號,第20期,頁14-20,台北:巴黎視野(季刊),共同作者,胡麗燕) ,中文發表

2012.03"Vaclav Havel and My Czech Memory”, Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly , Chinese publication (「哈維爾與我的捷克記憶」,2012年3月號,第18期,頁16-18,台北:巴黎視野(季刊)) ,中文發表

2011.12"The Comparison of Younger Generation: Czech Republic, Slovakia and Taiwan, " Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly , Chinese publication (Co-author with Chia-Ming Chang) (「比較捷克、斯洛伐克及台灣年輕世代的歷史記憶」2011年12月號,台北:巴黎視野(季刊),共同作者,張家銘) ,中文發表

2009.12"Review and Prospect of Czech Politics and Economy(2009-2010)”, The Seminar on the EU’s Annual Policies Analysis and Review, Institute of European Study, Tamkang University, Taiwan , Chinese publication (「捷克政經回顧與展望(2009-2010)」,歐盟年度政策分析與回顧座談會,淡江大學歐洲研究所) ,中文發表

2009.12  "The Uncertainty Factors toward Lisbon Treaty in the Czech Republic and Poland”, The Seminar on the Issues and Significance of Elections in the European Countries, Institute of European Study, Nan Hua University, Taiwan , Chinese publication (「捷克與波蘭對里斯本條約猶豫不定的因素」,歐洲各國選舉反映問題和意義座談會,南華大學歐洲研究所) ,中文發表

2009.11  "The Czech Experience of A Taiwan Student”, Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly , Chinese publication (「一位公費生的捷克經驗」,2009年11月號,台北:巴黎視野(季刊)) ,中文發表

2009.08"The Prague Spirit”, Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly , Chinese publication (「布拉格精神」,2009年8月號,台北:巴黎視野(季刊)) ,中文發表

2009.05"The Oldest University in the Central and Eastern Europe- Charles University”, Taipei: Pariscope Quarterly , Chinese publication (「中、東歐古老的學府—查理大學」,2009年5月號,台北:巴黎視野(季刊)) ,中文發表

2009.04"The Rise and Fall of Bohemia Kingdom”, Taipei: History Monthly , Chinese publication (「波西米亞王國的興起與衰亡」,2009年4月號,台北:歷史月刊) ,中文發表

2010.09"Return to Europe and European Identity in the Central and Eastern Europe”, edited by Ishikawa and Chia-ming Chang, Political and Social Development in the Central Europe, Teaching and Research Center for Central and Eastern Europe, Department of Sociology, Soochow University, Taipei , Chinese publication (「中東歐國家回歸歐洲與歐洲認同」,收錄在石川晃弘/張家銘主編的「中歐政治與社會發展」專書,頁115-140。東吳大學社會學系中東歐教學研究中心叢書1,書林出版社) ,中文發表

2009.07"The Czech Presidency of the EU and the Lisbon Treaty: Opportunity and Challenge”, edited by Tai-lin Chang, The EU Global Role: Opportunity and Challenge, School of Foreign Languages and the EU Monet Teaching Modules Project , Chinese publication (「捷克的歐盟輪值主席國及里斯本條約之機會與挑戰」,收錄在張台麟主編的「歐盟全球化角色:機會與挑戰」專書,政治大學外語學院暨歐盟莫內教學模組計畫(有審查)) ,中文發表

2008.12"National Identity and European Identity of Czech Republic: The cognitive distance between public opinion and political party”, Taiwan International Study Quarterly, volume 4, issue 4, 2008/winter. , Chinese publication ( 「捷克的國家認同與歐洲認同—民意與政黨之認知差距」,台灣國際研究季刊,第4卷第4期,頁211-244,2008年/冬季號(有審查)) ,中文發表

2008.11 "China’s Energy Security and Geo-Economic Interest in Central Asia”,  Central European Journal of International & Security Studies, Volume 2/ Issue 2, Prague: Metropolitan University Prague, Co-author with Liyan Hu, English publication

2008.03"Civil Society and Democratic development in the Central and Eastern Europe : A Comparative Study”, Taiwan International Study Quarterly, volume 4, issue 1, 2008/spring. , Chinese publication (「中東歐的市民社會與民主發展之比較研究」,台灣國際研究季刊,第4卷第1期,2008年/春季號(有審查)) ,中文發表


2015.7”International Immigration and Nationalism: A Case Study of Overseas Chinese in the Czech Republic”,Guai Zhou (胡麗燕、鄭得興, 「國際移民與國族主義:捷克的華人個案」,中國世界民族學會第十次會員代表大會暨學術研討會,主辦:中國世界民族學會,承辦:貴州民族大學,協辦:貴州民族大學民族學與社會學院,2015.7.31-8.2,地點:貴州,貴陽,花溪。)

2015.3"Chinese Newspaper and Social Integration of Chinese Immigrants—An Interview of Some Chinese Newspaper in the Czech Republic”, the 32st Conference of School of Liberal Arts and Social Science, Soochow University, Taipei, Chinese presentation (「華文報紙與華人移民的社會融合—捷克某華文報紙的訪談紀要」人文社會學院第32屆系暨學術研討會,2015.3.12-3.13,地點:東吳大學綜合大樓國際會議廳)

2014.12"Building up the Local Civil Society under the CEEs’ Democratization—An Empirical Study on Czech ‘Olomoc’ and Slovak ‘Presov’”, International Conference of Reforms in Post-Totalitarian Countries: Central and Eastern Europe, Russia and China, 2014.12.19, Taipei: Tamkang University, Chinese presentation(「中東歐民主化與地方公民社會之建構—捷克Olomouc及斯洛伐克Presov之實證研究」,後極權國家的改革:中東歐、俄羅斯與中國國際學術研討會,時間:2014.12.19耊點:淡江大學城區部)

2014.12"Immigration Policy and Integration of Multiculturalism in the Central and Eastern Europe—The Road Choice of Chinese and Vietnamese Immigrants”, International Symposium on Overseas Chinese and the Silk Road in the 21st Century, Jinan University, Guanghou, China, 2014.12.12-13, Chinese presentation( 「中東歐多元文化主義之移民政策與移民整合—捷克中國及越南移民之路徑選擇」,華僑華人與21世紀絲綢之路國際學術研討會,廣州:暨南大學主辦。2014.12.12-13,中文發表)

2014.11"The Chinese Newspaper and the Social Integration of Chinese Immigrants: An Example of Czech-China Journal” ,the 5th Wenzhouese Diaspora Symposium, 2014.11.6-7, Sponsored by Wenzhou University, the Research Center of the Global Wenzhoese, Wenzhouese Economy Research Institute, co-author: Liyan Hu, Chinese presentation (「華文報紙與華人移民的社會整合—以捷克為例」,第五屆世界溫州人研究國際學術研討會,時間:2014.11.6-7,主辦單位:溫州大學、世界溫州人研究中心、浙江省溫州人經濟研究中心,地點:溫州大學,中文發表)

2014.11" The Relationship among Taiwan, China and Central and Eastern Europe under the EU Mechanism: Retrospect and Prospect”, Research Forum on EU between Taiwan Strait, 2014.11.3-4, Shanghai, Chinese presentation(「歐洲機制下的中東歐與台海二岸關係—回顧與展望」,第四屆海峽兩岸歐盟研究論壇,地點:上海復旦大學/上海社科院,時間:2014.11.3-4,中文發表)

2014.5"The Relationship between Taiwan Strait in the Central and Eastern Europe under the Framework of European Union”, 2014 Taiwan-EU Forum, EU Center for National Chengchi University, 2014.5.23, Chinese presentation(「歐盟架構下的中東歐與台海二岸關係」,103年「台灣-歐盟論壇」,主辦單位:國立政治大學歐洲聯盟研究中心,合辦單位:台灣歐洲聯盟中心。地點:政治大學國關中心。中文發表)

2014.4"Memory and Identity of Czech and Slovakia Divorce:The Perspective of Czech History Textbook”, The Conference on Historical Memory and National Identity:Historical Education in Some Counties, Association of Taiwan International Study, Chinese presentation (「捷克斯洛伐克分裂下的記憶與認同—捷克歷史教科書之觀點」,歷史記憶與國家認同──各國歷史教育學術研討會,主辦單位:台灣國際研究學會,時間:2014年4月26日(六),地點:國立臺灣師範大學圖書館區  教育大樓2樓教201演講廳) ,中文發表

2014.3"A Discussion on Early Czech China Study from the Rise and Fall of the Prague School of Sociology”, the 31st Conference of School of Liberal Arts and Social Science, Soochow University, Taipei, Chinese presentation  (「從布拉格漢學學派興衰探討捷克早期的中國研究」,人文社會學院第31屆系暨學術研討會,日期:2014.2.13-3.14,地點東吳大學綜合大樓國際會議廳、B013研討室,中文發表)

2013.11-12  "Pull and Push of Social Inclusion/ Exclusion between National Consciousness and Multiculturalism of International Immigrants”, Annual Conference of Taiwan Sociological Association(2013), National Chengchi University, Chinese presentation (「國際移民之民族意識與多元文化主義之社會整合/排除的推拉—捷克中國移民之實證研究」,2013年台灣社會學年會,地點:國立政治大學。) ,中文發表

2013.11 "Inside China Rise and Geopolitical Conflict –A Historical Perspective”, Institute of Political Science, Faculty of Social Science, Charles University, Czech Republic, English presentation (「中國崛起與地緣政治—歷史視野」專題演講,捷克查理大學社會科學院政治所主辦。) 英文發表

2013.11"Taiwan Dilemma Cross the Taiwan Strait-- Taiwan Perspective”, Institute of Political Science, Faculty of Social Science, Charles University, Czech Republic, English presentation (「台海兩岸中的台灣困境—台灣觀點」專題演講,捷克查理大學社會科學院政治所主辦。) 英文發表

2013.11"China Rise and the Geo-political Conflict in North East-Asia:A Perspective of Chinese Nationalism” , International Conference (The Third Year) on Strategic and Geopolitical Issues In the Contemporary World , Institute of Political Science, Faculty of Social Science, Charles University, Czech Republic, English presentation (「中國崛起與東北亞地緣政治衝突—中國民族主義視角」,第3屆國際會議:「當前世界的戰略與地緣政治議題」,捷克查理大學社會科學院政治所主辦。)英文發表

2013.11"Achievement and Deficit of Democracy in Taiwan and Czech Republic – A Perspective of Civil Society”, ALYAS, Association for International Affairs, AMO. English presentation(「台灣與捷克之民主成就與挑戰—公民社會觀點」專題演講,捷克國際事務協會「青年學者亞洲研究講座」)英文發表

2013.11"Chinese and Vietnamese Diasporas in the Czech Republic”, Jan Masaryk International study research, Faculty of International Relationship, University of Economy, Czech Republic. English presentation (「在捷克的中國移民及越南移民之離散經驗」專題演講,捷克經濟大學國際關係學院Jan Masaryk國際研究中心專題演講)英文發表

2013.11"Between Sinology and Socialism:Czech Sinologists in the 1950s China”, International Conference on Retrieval or Revival:Evolving Sinology/ China Studies in Czech, Mongolia, Poland and Russia, The Research and Educational Center for Mainland China and Cross-Strait Relations, Department of Political Science, NTU. English presentation( 「社會學與社會主義之間—1950年代在中國的捷克漢學家研究」,回復與再生—捷克、蒙古、波蘭與俄國漢學/中國學之發展國際研討會。台灣大學政治系中國大陸與台海關係研究與教育中心主辦)英文發表

2013.10"Challenges and Reflection of Civil Society: Prior-regimes Legacies in Taiwan and the Czech Republic”, Non-Democratic Regimes and Approaches to their Studies in 21st Century, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, English presentation(「公民社會的挑戰與反思—台灣與捷克的前政權遺緒」專題演講,21世紀的非民主政權及其研究國際會議,捷克查理大學人文學院主辦。)英文發表

2013.10"Historical Legacy and Transitional Justice in the Central and Eastern Europe” The Conference on Transitional Justice, Association of Taiwan International Study, Chinese presentation (「中東歐國家之歷史遺緒與轉型正義—以捷克及斯洛伐克為例」,轉型正義研討會,主辦單位:台灣國際研究學會) ,中文發表

2013.9"My Touch and Thought between I and Czech Sinologists”, a speech at the Center for Overseas China Study, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, Chinese presentation, Chinese presentation (於上海華東師範大學海外中外國學研究中心演講「我與捷克漢學家的接觸與思考」) ,中文發表

2012.12"Alienation between Local Tourist Development and Collective Memory: Cases of Jiue Fen and Jinguashi”, Annual Conference of Taiwan Sociological Association(2012), Tung Hai University, Co-author with Guan-hua Su and Su-hou Chen, Chinese presentation (「地方觀光發展與集體記憶的疏離—以九份金瓜石為例」,發表於2012年台灣社會學年會,東海大學) ,中文發表

2012.12"Social Capital and Civic Participation: Positive Research of Czech Olomouc and Slovak Presov”, Annual Conference of Taiwan Sociological Association(2012), Tung Hai University, Co-author with Chia-ming Chang, Chinese presentation (「中東歐地方的社會資本與公民參與—捷克Oloumoc及斯洛伐克Presov的實證研究」,發表於2012年台灣社會學年會,東海大學) ,中文發表

2012.11"Big Events that Changed the World: Experts Dialogue-the Third Wave of Democracy in the Central and Eastern Europe and the Fourth Wave of Democracy in the Middle East and North Africa”, The Dialogue with Professor Fuchang Zhang.  Honors Program, Tamkang University, Chinese presentation (於淡江大學榮譽學程與張福昌教授對話「改變世界的大事—專家對話-中東歐第三波民主與中東及北非國家第四波民主」) ,中文發表

2012.11"Identity and Memory of Younger Generation in the Central and Eastern Europe: Czech and Slovak Cases”, Conference of World’s History and Contemporary Social Cultural Study, Wenzhou University, China, Co-author with Chia-ming Chang and Liyan Hu, Chinese presentation (「中東歐年輕世代的認同與記憶--以捷克及斯洛伐克為例」,發表於"世界現代史與當代社會文化發展研究”研討會,溫州大學主辦,共同發表人:張家銘、胡麗燕) ,中文發表

2012.10”A Comparison of Social Integration between Overseas Chinese and Vietnamese in the Czech Republic”, the 3rd International Conference on World’s Wenzhou People, Wenzhou University, China, Co-author Liyan Hu, Chinese presentation (發表於第三屆世界溫州人研究國際學術研討會,共同發表人:胡麗燕) ,中文發表

2012.9"Local Response of "Growth” and "Dependency”:A Case Study of Taiwan Businessmen in Suzhou, China”,Conference of Across Greater China Region Borders: Production Relations, Social Community and Identity, Center for China Study, National Cheng Chi University, Co-author with Chia-ming Chang, Chinese presentation (發表於「大中華圈的邊界跨越:生產關係、社會共同體與身份認同」學術研討會,政治大學中國大陸研究中心主辦) ,中文發表

2012.3"Powerless Power-Czech Velvet Power”, Lung Yingtai Cultural Foundation, Chinese presentation (於龍應台文化基金會演講「無權力者的權力—捷克的絲絨力量」) ,中文發表

2012.3"National Legends and Czech Nationalism”, Department of Slavic Language, National Chengchi University” , Chinese presentation (於政治大學斯拉夫語系演講「捷克民族傳說與民族主義」) ,中文發表

2012.1"Survey Experience in the Central and Eastern Europe and Cross-Area Study”, Center for Survey Research, Academia Sinica, Chinese presentation (於中央研究院調查研究專題中心演講「中東歐調查經驗與跨區域研究」) ,中文發表

2011.12"Historical consciousness and collective memory of younger generation under globalization : Taiwan, Czech Republic and Slovakia” Annual Conference of Taiwan Sociological Association(2011), National Taiwan University, Co-author with Chia-ming Chang, Chinese presentation (「全球化下新世代的歷史意識與集體記憶—台灣、捷克及斯洛伐克之比較」。發表於2011年台灣社會學年會,台灣大學) ,中文發表

2011.10"Historical Memory of Younger Generation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia”, Department of Slavic Language, National Chengchi University, Chinese presentation (於政治大學斯拉夫語系演講「捷克與斯洛伐克年輕世代的歷史記憶」) ,中文發表

2011.04”Historical Consciousness and Collective Memory of Younger Generation under globalization: A Comparison of Taiwan, Czech Republic and Slovakia”, Department of History, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, Chinese presentation (於上海復旦大學歷史系演講「全球化下年輕世代的歷史意識與集體記憶—台灣、捷克及斯洛伐克之比較」) ,中文發表

2011.03"Historical consciousness and collective memory of younger generation under globalization : Taiwan, Czech Republic and Slovakia”, the 28th Conference of School of Liberal Arts and Social Science, Soochow University, Taipei, Co-author with Chia-ming Chang, Chinese presentation (「全球化下年輕世代的歷史意識及集體記憶─台灣、捷克及斯洛伐克」。發表於「東吳大學人文社會學院第28屆系際學術研討會」共同作者:張家銘) ,中文發表

2010.12"Cultural Identity and Social Integration of the Second Generation—A Comparison between Chinese and Vietnamese Immigrates in the Czech Republic”, International Conference on Migration, Identity, and Social Cohesion in Europe, Institute of Europe and America, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Co-author with Liyan Hu(English presentation)

2010.12"Constructing the Civil Society and Participatory Democracy : Taiwan and Czech Cases”, Annual Conference of Taiwan Sociological Association(2010), Fu Jen Catholic University, Chinese presentation (「建構公民社會及參與式民主:台灣與捷克之個案探討」。發表於「2010 台灣社會學年會暨國科會專題研究成果發表會」。輔仁大學) ,中文發表

2010.12"Public Participation of Young Generation in the Context of Globalization—A Sociological Study of Czech and Slovak Cases”, Conference of Taiwan and the Central and Eastern European Forum—Cross-century Democracy and Social and Economic Transformation : The Dialogue between the Central and Eastern Europe and Northern East Asia, Soochow University, Taipei(發表於「台灣中東歐論壇-跨世紀的民主化與社會經濟轉型:中東歐與東北亞的對話」研討會。東吳大學), English presentation

2010.08"Participatory Democracy and the Disadvantaged Factor: Taiwan and Czech Cases”, Conference of Mastering Civil Society Practices and Difficulties of Civil Participation in Taiwanese and Polish Studies, Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland. English Presentation

2010.06"A Talk on Studying in the Czech Republic”, the 3rd Week of Sociology, Soochow University, Chinese presentation ( 於東吳大學第三屆社會週的留學座談中,主講「捷克留學甘苦談」) ,中文發表

2009.11"Another Sky: Studying and Living in the Central and Eastern Europe”, Department of Political Science, National Chung Cheng University, Chinese presentation (於中正大學政治系所演講「另一片天空:中東歐的學習與生活」) ,中文發表

2009.10"Graduation and Employment of State-funded Students Studying Abroad”, A Nation-building Seminar for State-funded Students Studying Abroad (Department of Education, National Chengchi University, Chinese presentation (參加留學生與國家建設研討會(政治大學教育系主辦),發表「公費留學生之畢業與就業」,中文發表


 鄭得興,「捷克風情的想像--解析台灣旅行社的 『捷克團』,國立台灣師範大學歐洲文化與觀光研究所,2015.4.27,地點: 師大博愛樓。


鄭得興,"Inside China Rise and Geopolitical Conflict –A Historical Perspective”(專題演講),2013.11.20,捷克查理大學社會科學院政治所主辦,地點:捷克布拉格查理大學社會科學院。

鄭得興,"Taiwan Dilemma Cross the Taiwan Strait-- Taiwan Perspective”(專題演講),2013.11.20,捷克查理大學社會科學院政治所主辦,地點:捷克布拉格查理大學社會科學院。

鄭得興,"Achievement and Deficit of Democracy in Taiwan and Czech Republic – A Perspective of Civil Society”(專題演講),2013.11.14,ALYAS, Association for International Affairs, AMO. (捷克國際事務協會「青年學者亞洲研究講座」),地點:捷克國際事務協會。

鄭得興,"Chinese and Vietnamese Diasporas in the Czech Republic”(專題演講),2013.11.14,捷克經濟大學國際關係學院Jan Masaryk國際研究中心主辦,地點:捷克經濟大學國際關係學院。

鄭得興,"Challenges and Reflection of Civil Society: Prior-regimes Legacies in Taiwan and the Czech Republic”專題演講(keynote speech), Non-Democratic Regimes and Approaches to their Studies in 21st Century, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague (21世紀的非民主政權及其研究國際會議,2013.10.25,捷克查理大學人文學院主辦,地點:捷克查理大學人文學院。










