Professor & Dean of College of Science |
Chih-Chieh Wang |
General management of School operations, chairing School committees and conferences, etc. |
Senior Administrative Secretary |
Ruth Liu |
Assist the Dean in School documentation and administrative assignments.
School conferences arrangements and follow up administrative handlings (incl. School meetings, committees such as faculty selection, course arrangement, administrative, budget, and Dean selection; University seminars, and so on).
School events planning (incl. speech lectures, graduation ceremonies, faculty advanced study camps, etc.).
Organization and reporting of School schedules and programs (incl. School development plans, excellent teaching programs, feature development programs, etc.).
School budget planning, executing and verifying.
Other impromptu administrative assignments. |
Head Technician |
Chih-Ming Chuo |
The registration of laboratory safety, hygiene, bio-experiment safety issues, R Building safety committees, and hazardous substances.
The management of department assets, grant application and reimbursement.
School budget planning, arranging, executing, and associated affairs.
Maintaining and managing School webpage and IP.
Procurement, management, maintenance, and loan of instruments.
Assist in instrument operations. |