Office of Military Instruction The Office of Military Instruction is in charge of national defense general education and sustains campus safety at both campuses. Currently, there are 16 staff members in the office, including a Director, one Senior Staffer ,three Lieutenant Colonel Military instructors,and eleven Security Persons, responsible for the curricula and teaching of the national defense general education, and assistance in maintaining campus safety. Office at the Wai Shuang Hsi Campus:Grand Complex, Room B102 Office at the Downtown Campus:Building Six, Room 6101 On duty hours:On duty 24 hours
Contact telephone: Director, Office of Military Instruction: 886-2-28819471 extension 5501 Wai Shuang Hsi Campus hotline: 886-2-28817734 Mobile:
Emergency telephone extension: 5555 Downtown Campus hotline: 886-2-23890952 Mobile:886-910270060 Emergency telephone extension: 2222 Fax:Wai Shuang Hsi Campus: 886-2-28801210 Downtown Campus:886-2-23890952