
Title Name Portrait Education Expertise
Associate Professor WEN-HSIANG KUNG Portrait of Teacher 「WEN-HSIANG KUNG」 Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.), Indiana University, Maurer School of Law, Bloomington Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Environmental Law, Food Safety Law
Associate Professor Jerry, JENG Portrait of Teacher 「Jerry, JENG」 SJD, Maurer School of Law, Indiana University-Bloomington Corporate Law, Securities Law, Financial Law, Contract Law, Torts Law, Sports Law
Associate Professor Hung, Chao-Cheng Portrait of Teacher 「Hung, Chao-Cheng」 Doctor of Law, Tokyo University Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law
Associate Professor YUE-JHENG NIOU Portrait of Teacher 「YUE-JHENG NIOU」 Doctor of Law, University of Tokyo Competition Law, Unfair Competition Law, Consumer Law
Associate Professor Yen-Chi Liu Portrait of Teacher 「Yen-Chi Liu」 J.S.D., University of California, Berkeley U.S. Constitutional Law, Legal History, Law and Society
Assosiate Professor LIU YU-CHUNG Portrait of Teacher 「LIU YU-CHUNG」 Ph.D. in law, National Taipei University
Associate Professor Ting-Hsuan Huang Portrait of Teacher 「Ting-Hsuan Huang」 Doctor of Law, Soochow University Criminal Law, Criminal Policy, Code of Criminal Procedure
Associate Professor CHUNG-YANG CHEN Portrait of Teacher 「CHUNG-YANG CHEN」 Doctor of Law, University of Exeter (U.K) Family Law, Family Procedure Law, Patent law, Socio-Legal Studies, Legal English, Gender Mainstream Studies
Assistant Professor RUEI-YUAN HOU Portrait of Teacher 「RUEI-YUAN HOU」 Doctor of Law, University of Trier General Principles of Civil Law, Obligations governing debt
Assistant Professor CHE-HUI LIEN Portrait of Teacher 「CHE-HUI LIEN」 Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.), Indiana University, Maurer School of Law, Bloomington Civil Procedure Law, Finacial Law, Trust Law, Commercial Instrument law


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