電話 (02)2881 - 9471 分機 6522-6526 傳真 (02)2883 - 6055

  Through the minor and dual degree programs, which include basic language skill training in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation, , students are able to enhance their knowledge and skills.

Graduates are work in industries such as:

  1. Government: Through national examination, graduates may have the opportunity to work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and the Government Information Office…etc.

  2. Academic Community: Working as Japanese teachers at universities, colleges, high schools and language institutions.

  3. Publishing Industry: Working as proposal developers, editors or translators in the publishing industry.

  4. Commercial Industry: Working as proposal developers, editors, translators, sales personnel or secretaries at Taiwanese and Japanese enterprises.

  5. Travel Industry: Working as tour guides, flight attendants, ground staff or managers at travel agencies and airline companies.