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◎Mission Statement:

  • Undergraduate Program: The Japanese Language and Culture Program stresses the fostering of students' Japanese language skills, the deepening of their understanding of Japanese culture and affairs, the widening of their international vision, and the promoting of talents for cultural exchange between Taiwan and Japan.
  • Master’s Program: The goals of the program are to cultivate specialists of the Japanese language, literature, and education, and to foster prospective instructors.
  • PhD Program: The mission of the PhD Program is to cultivate students’ professional expertise, which includes research on Japanese language and linguistics as well as pedagogy.


  The Department of Japanese Language and Culture offers a diversified curriculum which includes basic language training courses as well as practical ones. During the first two years, the curriculum focuses on fundamental language training. As to junior- and senior-year students, the Department continues to provide advanced language training courses such as Current Issues in Japan (日本現勢), Chinese-Japanese Word Processing (日語資訊處理), Modern Practical Japanese (現代日本應用文), Journalistic Japanese (新聞日文), Japanese Interpretation (日語口譯), Chinese-Japanese Translation (翻譯實務), and Business English (商用英文). These courses allow students to enhance their abilities and provide them with a wide range of career opportunities in the future. In addition, for students who are interested in pursuing further education, the Department also provides language courses like Contemporary Japanese Fiction (日本小說選讀), Modern Japanese Literature (日本名著選讀), Guidance to Research Methods (研究方法指導), Special Topics in Japanese Grammar (日語語法專題), Introduction to Linguistics (語言學概論), and Pedagogy of Japanese (日語教學法).
  The Master’s Program is divided into four categories, which include Japanese Language and Linguistic Studies, Japanese Literature Studies, Japanese Cultural Studies, and Japanese Language Pedagogy Studies. Students are encouraged to choose their optional major and minor subjects as they wish. During the first year, the courses focus on basic language and linguistic studies which involve trainings in pronunciation, etymology, vocabulary, grammar, paragraphs, honorifics, dialects, etc.
  Additionally, through lectures, discussions and presentations on language pedagogy and language acquisition theories, students are able to grasp the quintessence of language studies. As to literature studies, the courses focus on literary analysis, appreciation, quotation, writing, and theories. In the second year, practical courses such as applied linguistics, logico-linguistic analysis, and comparative literature studies are the main focus of the program. Students will be able to explore the collection and usage of text corpus as well as the principles of inter-language communication in order to learn the theories and patterns of the language.
  The courses in the PhD program aim to foster specialists in the linguistics and pedagogy of the Japanese language. Courses available to students include Special Lecture on Japanese Phonetics and Phonology (日語音聲音韻專題討論), Special Lecture on Japanese Vocabulary (日語語彙專題討論), Special Lecture on Japanese Language Teaching (日語教育方法專題討論), Seminar on Japanese Teaching Materials (日語教材研究與討論), Special Lecture on the History of Japanese Education (日語教育史專題討論), and Special Lecture on the Comparative Analysis of Chinese and Japanese (中日語言對比分析專題討論).

◎Course Description & Introduction of Undergraduate Program, Master Program, PhD Program &Credit Chart

For more information visit: http://www.scu.edu.tw/japanese/

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