The Physical Education Teaching Division is in charge of all physical education teaching related administrative services of the university and promotes overall physical teaching related services. The main services include planning and allocation of physical education courses, motor ability score tests for all students, physical tests for freshmen, planning and implementation of teaching improvement programs, evaluations of class feedback, and organizing teaching demonstration seminars and teacher education seminars.
The physical education course of Soochow University is programmed as a required course for freshmen and sophomores, and an elective course for juniors and seniors. There are over thirty physical education courses categorized in 4 different types; namely sports, dance, martial arts, and leisure. By offering these courses, the division hopes that students will establish a correct sports concept during their school years; get familiar with and completely specialized in various sports as a foundation of the life long engagement in sports in the future.
(Wai Shuang Hsi Campus) Grand Complex, 3rd Floor (Room B303)
(Downtown Campus) Building Six, 3nd Floor (Room 6301)
(Wai Shuang Hsi Campus) 02-28819471 extension 5603
(Downtown Campus) 02-23111531 extension 2371
(Wai Shuang Hsi Campus) 02-2880-1635
(Downtown Campus) 02-2312-0254
02-28819471 Ext 5603