While some may join the job market right after graduation, students graduated from the undergraduate program of the Department mostly pursue further study in the domestic or foreign graduate schools. The alumni of the Department have earned respectful reputation because of their excellent performances in all related walks of life. Profession-related jobs include researchers in academic offices (such as Academia Sinica, and National Health Research Institutes); positions in the governmental offices (such as Environmental Protection Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Atomic Energy Council, The Bureau of Investigation, and Ministry of Justice); teaching positions and professors in all levels of schools (Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Stanford University, University of Southern California, National Taiwan University, and National Yang-Ming University); and researchers, technicians, and salespeople in biotechnology industry (such as food industry, pharmaceuticals industry, fermentation industry, medical instruments and medicines industries).


Therefore, those graduated from the Department of Microbiology have broad and diverse career development. In view of individual interests and personal traits, plus with the regulated multiple learning, they can take charge of the positions in sophisticated technologies, such as preclinical medicine, biotechnology, food biotechnology, environmental protection, and energy research. They can also secure positions like public health inspector, pollution control technician, food inspection technician, pharmaceutical manufacturing technician, medical instruments and medicines sales technician, and bioscience instructor. Besides, they can pursue further study among the first-rated life science researchers in the world.   


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