The theme and responsibilities of the Teaching Development Division are not only to promote the professional teaching development strategies but improve Pedagogical Content Knowing (PCKg) of the professors and teachers. Moreover, it is aimed to develop teaching consultation and improvement mechanisms to provide opportunities for novice faculty growth and increase interactions between faculty.

SCU TD offers a variety of seminars, discussions, and workshops to provide professional teaching-learning chances and resources for novice and experienced faculty. In addition, appropriate teaching assistant mechanisms have been developed to help professors and teachers achieve their teaching objectives.

Teaching Development Division Office

Contact Person:Chung, I  Hsuan

TEL.: 02-28819471 ext. 5811-5818

FAX: 02-28804118

ADD.: 70, Linhsi Rd., Shilin, Taipei, Taiwan, 111002

Office: D0518, 2nd Teaching and Research Building, Wai Shuang Hsi campus, Soochow University



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