
Title Name Photo Duty Ext. E-mail
Dean Gang-Hua Fan Portrait of   

Affairs related to the division of student affairs

Waishuanghsi 7001 Email Address  
Secretary Chu-Ting Chang No picture  

Related affairs of official documents of the office. Budget administration and compilation of execution outcome analysis. Ministry of Education Funding application, management and execution outcome analysis. Application of student scholarships and special educational funding related affairs, management and execution outcome analysis. Budget administration, management and execution outcome analysis of the university development funds for student affairs and consulting. Affairs related to application and management of the innovative talent project of Ministry of Education. Organize visits from the Ministry of Education and affairs related to student funds. Compilation of development plan of all divisions and budget administration. Compilation of the execution analysis of development plan for the Division of Student Affairs. Affairs related to academic conference. Organize division meetings, director’s meetings and other conferences. Preparation of materials for academic affair meetings, administrative meetings and board meetings. Integration of official documents for all sections of the division of student affairs. Organize consulting activities. Organize and prepare the annual dinner event and sport activities of the division. Overall planning of external visit from other universities. Schedule planning for the dean of student affairs. Budget administrative and management. Website maintenance. Property and file management of the office of student affairs. Compilation of chronicle of events. Gender Equity Education Committee Student appeal related affairs. Other related affairs.

Waishuanghsi 7002 Email Address  


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